A "movement infrastructure" is based on the Platonic solids built at human scale and consisting of 3D printed parts and off-the-shelf components. The geometric characteristics of the regular polyhedra are applied to interpret the proportions and movement of the human body. Geometry is a reference system but also an inspiration source for movement sequences.
The Laban icosahedron is one of the most renown physical structures in dance. It is named after Rudolf Laban (1879-1958), who applied the five regular polyhedra to "harmonic" movement sequences, names "scales". The icosahedron, for over one hundred year has been used in choreography as a framework for dance routines. 3D printing technology is used to facilitate the assembling of the icosahedron, to become readily available for fitness and dance studios.
The geometry underpinning the icosahedron connections are also a metaphor for the movement sequences performed framed by its structure.

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